The Willow Sling is perfect for spring ✨

Wearing + Baby | ring sling baby carrier

The Sling is a versatile and easy-to-use ring sling baby carrier, suitable from birth and up.  Please practice this carry with assistance and over soft surfaces until you feel comfortable enough to execute it independently. Here are simple ring sling instructions. Prefer video tutorials? See our Ring Sling 101 video here

How to use a Studio Tekhni ring sling baby carrier.  Easy, stylish, modern linen fabric carriers from newborn and beyond.  A baby and registry essential item.

  • Place the rings of your Sling ring sling baby carrier in a high corsage position, between the shoulder and collarbone on your dominant arm.  The Sling will lay across your body like a sash. Loosen the fabric slightly away from your body to allow enough room for the baby to be placed between you and the fabric pouch.

    How to use a Studio Tekhni ring sling baby carrier.  Easy, stylish, modern linen fabric carriers from newborn and beyond.  A baby and registry essential item.

  • Pick up baby on shoulder opposite of the rings with legs held high.  While securely lifting baby up, pull pouch fabric down under baby’s legs.  Lower baby down between yourself and The Sling pouch, guiding baby’s legs one at a time. Keep a hand under baby’s bottom so they are secure, preparing them in a spread-squat position.

    How to use a Studio Tekhni ring sling baby carrier.  Easy, stylish, modern linen fabric carriers from newborn and beyond.  A baby and registry essential item.

    Lower baby down onto your body, while continuing to encourage the spread-squat position. Open and extend the pouch fabric from the baby’s bottom and up their back, allowing baby to “sit” in the pouch like a hammock.

    How to use a Studio Tekhni ring sling baby carrier.  Easy, stylish, modern linen fabric carriers from newborn and beyond.  A baby and registry essential item.

  • Reach between baby’s legs to pull the lower rail over baby’s bottom and in between your body and baby. Continue to tuck fabric from the lower rail under the baby’s bottom to create a secure and ergonomically correct seat, from knee to knee.

    How to use a Studio Tekhni ring sling baby carrier.  Easy, stylish, modern linen fabric carriers from newborn and beyond.  A baby and registry essential item.

    Fabric should extend from baby’s knees to their neck for full seat coverage and comfort.  While supporting baby up from their bottom, pull down on the tail fabric to remove extra slack from The Sling.  Begin with the inside rail to secure fabric around baby’s neck and shoulders.

    How to use a Studio Tekhni ring sling baby carrier.  Easy, stylish, modern linen fabric carriers from newborn and beyond.  A baby and registry essential item.

    Continue tightening The Sling from the inside rail, across the tail, to the outside rail.  This will ensure a snug and smooth fit for wearer and baby. Adjust any areas for comfort, spreading the back pass and moving the shoulder accordingly, for evenly distributed tension around you and your baby.

    How to use a Studio Tekhni ring sling baby carrier.  Easy, stylish, modern linen fabric carriers from newborn and beyond.  A baby and registry essential item.
    To remove baby, loosen The Sling by pulling out on the lower ring and adding slack around the baby. Pull fabric pouch off baby while supporting from the bottom. That's how to use a ring sling. Questions? Contact Us. Our team of babywearing educators is happy to help you use your new baby carrier. 

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